Frequently Asked Questions

What is PeepQuest?

PeepQuest is a game played as an overlay for streams on Twitch, where viewers can customise their character and play a variety of mini-games while watching and supporting their favourite streamer.

When will PeepQuest be released?

PeepQuest is currently in closed-alpha, with invites being extended to streamers and viewers showing interest in its development.

Due to the developer's health conditions, there is currently no planned release date.

How much will PeepQuest cost?

There are currently no plans to charge for PeepQuest.

If you would like to donate to support the project, you can donate with PayPal.

Who is developing PeepQuest?

My name is Sam Ingram, although my stream name is Samly. Feel free to stop by to ask questions, or just to say hello!